News & Publications

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How typical was Spring 2019?

Wed, Mar 20, 2019

In places where spring has sprung, how how often have we seen a spring like this one? The USA-NPN's spring leaf out shines light on where leaf out of early season plants has occurred across the country. In the map, darker colors represent springs that are unusually early or late in the long-term record. Gray indicates an average spring.

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Integrating herbarium specimens with observed phenology data

Tue, Mar 19, 2019

Integrating herbarium data with contemporary phenology data requires standardized terminology, definitions, and principles. The authors of a new study in Applications in Plant Sciences describe the Plant Phenology Ontology, an effort to integrate herbarium and field data. They demonstrate the use of this framework by combining herbarium data and observations from Nature’s Notebook to show that in North America, flowering time for black cherry (Prunus serotina) has been steadily accelerating since 1873.

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2019 Heat Accumulation vs Rodent Prognostication

Sat, Feb 02, 2019

Punxsutawney Phil predicts an early spring this year. Our map of accumulated growing degree days shows he may be right, for parts of the country anyway. See what Nature's Notebook observers are already reporting on plants and animals across the country.

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Nature’s Notebook data show shift to earlier milkweed flowering

Thu, Jan 10, 2019

Nature’s Notebook data were used to evaluate how common milkweed flowering is responding to changes in climate. With each degree of maximum temperature increase, the mean flowering date for milkweed shifted nearly four days earlier. The shift occurred across first, last, and mean flowering dates but did not extend to initial growth or fruit ripening. The shift became more significant over the period of 2011 to 2016. These findings will help managers develop conservation plans for this species and its pollinators.

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Overlooked climate factors predict flowering phenology best

Tue, Nov 27, 2018

Researchers at UC Santa Barbara combined herbarium records with observations contributed by Nature’s Notebook participants to assess the impact of climate variables on timing of flowering in 2,500 species of plants. The authors found that maximum temperature, the number of frost-free days, and the quantity of precipitation as snow were the best predictors of flowering time for both herbarium and observed data. A better understanding of the climate variables that drive flowering phenology can help us anticipate how future changes in climate might impact flowering.

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USA-NPN 10 year Anniversary Event

Mon, Oct 22, 2018

In 2018, we commemorated 10 years of the USA National Phenology Network and data collection with Nature's Notebook

On October 19th, we brought together USA-NPN partners and Nature's Notebook leaders and observers at the home of the USA-NPN's National Coordinating Office in Tucson. There we reflected on the last 10 years of the USA-NPN and envisioned the next 10 years. 

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With the right resources, untrained observers record high-quality data

Mon, Sep 10, 2018

In order to better understand precision and accuracy in phenology data collection and how that varies by training level, researchers at Acadia National Park’s Schoodic Institute compared data from three different observer types – expert professional scientists, trained citizen scientists, and untrained citizen scientists. The authors found that untrained citizen scientists recorded data that was as precise and sometimes more accurate than trained citizen scientists, likely due to a misinterpretation of materials presented at trainings. The authors recommend that informative datasheets, mid-season assessments and calibration trainings may help to ensure high-quality data.

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In loving memory of our dear friend and colleague Patty Guertin

Wed, May 23, 2018

It is with heavy hearts that we tell you of a great loss to the USA National Phenology Network. In May 2018 we lost Patty Guertin, our staff botanist who had been with us since the start of the USA-NPN. Taken from the world by cancer far too soon, she is sorely missed by her family, friends, and the coworkers who consider her family.