If your organization shares an interest in the study of seasons, partner with us! We often work with partners in the ways detailed below.
We'd love to hear from you, reach us at: [email protected].

Launch a data collection campaign
Data collection campaigns result in rich datasets for target species, to support your science or management questions. Campaigns are typically short-term (lasting a few years), have specific goals, and are grant-funded. We engage volunteer participants, create a web page with information about your research and send monthly messages to participants with reminders and results.
Example campaigns (now concluded): Southwest Season Tracker, Shady Invaders, and PopClock

Bring science to action
Many decisions in natural resources, human health, and climate adaptation rely on knowledge of seasonal changes. We connect science to action through a strong network of relationships among diverse actors. We collaborate with managers to support a range of decisions through our suite of phenology forecasts and maps. We provide support for phenology monitoring with our Nature's Notebook program.
Example science to action partnerships include: Mayfly Watch, Collaborations with the US National Park Service, Collaborations with the US Forest Service, Collaborations with the US Fish and Wildlife Service
Learn about more examples in our info sheet Tracking seasonal changes to support science, natural resource management, and society.

Collaborate on new research
Grant proposals benefit from the USA-NPN's expertise, creativity, data management, and network reach. We are enthusiastic to serve in collaborative or support roles in proposals. Proposals that use USA-NPN data or data products, focus on developing and sharing products that meet manager priorities, or advance diversity and equity in our field are of particular interest. Please contact us no less than two months before the proposal deadline.
We are also happy to provide letters of support with at least one week's notice. We review draft proposal text that describes our role, in these cases.
Examples: NSF Macrosystems, SC CASC Time to Restore

Start a Local Phenology Program
We invite organizations to engage their members in Local Phenology Programs (LPPs). These programs are lead or facilitated by on-site Local Phenology Leaders (LPLs). We offer information and collaboration opportunities and a Community of Practice for Local Phenology Leaders via a USA-NPN-sponsored listserv.
Examples: Local Phenology Programs across the country